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Worms 2

Developer: Team17
Publisher: MicroProse
Release Date: November 21, 1997
Chat-Room: #lobby
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They're back, they're cute and deadlier than ever!

Enter the bizarre and fantastic cartoon world of Worms 2. Wreak havoc on your rivals, in a game of revenge and petty-minded cruelty. Humiliate your friends, take revenge on your family, annihilate complete strangers - Worms 2 is frenetic, frenzied fun.

• Take your revenge with an astonishing array of wild and wacky weapons - blow enemy Worms into the stratosphere

• Bigger, zanier and with more personality than ever before!!! Stunning new animation brings the Worms to life

• Go it alone Wormbo-style, against 17 other Worms in the 18 player hot-seat game or, 6 players can compete in the same game over a Local Area Network or the Internet!

• Customise the game to your heart's content with a vast selection of switches, options and toggles. Save out game styles to swap with friends. Add new Worm speech, edit weapons and even create new landscapes, with the Worms 2 Editors

taken from the back of the box


Source code availability

The source code is not available.

How-to-play On-line

Grab the Worms 2 Plus patch by Carl Norton. You can play on Frag-Net by going into the Multiplayer menu, and selecting Frag-Net from the Address Book.

Worms 2™, and any associated characters are ® ™ Team 17. All Rights Reserved.

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