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PC Games, Multiplayer, Hardware, Shooters.

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With the history of gaming spanning over 60 years (depending on who you ask), it seemed like a cohesive calendar covering all kinds of anniversaries was inevitable.

While there are other calendars out there, we believe we are the first and only to provide badcal and iCal formatted calendars without confusing wall gardened hyperlinks. You can reflect on gaming history using proven standards that are older than many of the games mentioned here with the ability to even crawl these calendars on old hardware.

How does it work?

We try to source our dates from trusted sites like Blue's News, MobyGames, even using old-web links like PlanetQuake on the wonderful Wayback Machine or good old BBS. Magazines and press releases can be useful but not always accurate, so it's often necessary to cross-reference.

When we are satisifed with a date, we enter it into our text bsdcal file, then use a script to generate the iCal from said text file along with good old Unix Calendar. Finally all the files are uploaded and served to you here.

Where can I download or subscribe?

Right below! For those however that are unfamiliar with these formats, here is some help:

For iCal, either subscribe by copying the link and pasting it into your favorite calendar program. Or you can manually save and point to it locally if it supports such a feature.

If you are using Google Calendar, click here for a visual tutorial showing how to subscribe.

For bsdcal, you will need to save the file into your ~/.calendar directory (create it if it doesn't exist). Then edit or create a text file called, "calendar", and add the following any where as a newline: #include <games>

With "games" being the name of the bsdcal file(s) you want to load. You can automate a subscription with a shell script that crawls the file from the URL and then use crontab to call that script daily. e.g. "wget -O $HOME/.calendar/games"


Calendar Format Description
Gaming History iCalendar
Chronicles noteworthy game events from days past.
Current Events in Gaming iCalendar
Get notified on latest gaming happenings.
Frag-Net Community Events iCalendar
Get notified when a Frag-Net event is up and coming.

AvP 2000-
Descent II-
Deus Ex-
Doom II-
Doom 3-
Duke 3D-
Half-Life 2-
Hell Denizen-
HeXen II-
Jedi Academy-
Jedi Knight-
Jedi Knight II-
NZ: Portable-
Quake II-
Quake III-
Red Alert-
ST: Elite Force-
The Wastes-
Worms 2-

All Games-

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Last updated Tue Mar 11 09:39:13 UTC 2025 is hosted by eukara.
All services are distributed on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, express or implied.