Quake III Arena
Developer: id software |
Publisher: Activision, Inc. |
Technology: id Tech 3 |
Release Date: December 2, 1999 |
Chat-Room: #quake |
Buy Physical: ebay.com |
Buy Digital: gog.com, Steam |
Welcome to the Arena, where high-ranking warriors are transformed into spineless mush. Abandoning every ounce of common sense and any trace of doubt, you lunge onto a stage of harrowing landscapes and veiled abysses. Your new environment rejects you with lava pits and atmospheric hazards as legions of foes surround you, testing the gut reaction that brought you here in the first place. Your new mantra: Fight or be finished.
taken from the official website
Magazine features
• Computer Gaming World #180 - Jul 1999
Cover story
• Computer Gaming World #186 - Jan 2000
Gamer's Edge
• Computer Gaming World #187 - Feb 2000
• Computer Gaming World #188 - Mar 2000
Broadcast features
• GameSpot TV 1999-05-15
@14:40 m:s - Quake 3 Arena Beta
• GameSpot TV 1999-05-22
@09:09 m:s - E3 Gaming Report
• GameSpot TV 1999-10-23
@21:05 m:s - Strategies
Source code availability
The source code was released on August 19th 2005, under the GNU General Public License 2.
How-to-play On-line
The original release still works today! You can play with the original client, or a community driven client based off the source code release.
If you want to use the original disc media, make sure to grab the two patches below! You need to install Point Release 1.32 first, then install 1.32c over it. It is recommended you do not install the game into 'Program Files' under modern Windows, or else it might not save configs.
You can also grab a FTE QuakeWorld executable for your system too!
You can host a server using FTE without port-forwarding by changing the 'sv_public' console-variable to '2' after you've set up a listen game. For that open the console using the key combination SHIFT + ESCAPE.
Third-party downloads
You can find loads of custom levels and mods to play with your install of Quake III Arena by visiting:
..::LvL - Q3A Database
They have existed since 1999 and have been keeping this incredible archive alive for all that time. We encourage you to donate to them if you are able.
Most levels and mods work under FTE QuakeWorld but ioQuake3 is recommended.
Quake III Arena™, and any associated characters are ® ™ id Software. All Rights Reserved.

Team Arena

PainKeep Arena
Reaction Q3

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