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PC Games, Multiplayer, Hardware, Shooters.

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Developer: Transfusion Project Team
Technology: id Tech 2
Release Date: October 25, 2002
Chat-Room: #lobby


You are Caleb, and you are a bad, bad man. You sold your immortal soul for The Dark God, Tchernobog, and you and the other Chosen served Him dutifully until He decided it was time to take everything from you for Himself… apparently, even gods make mistakes.

Leaving you to rot in a grave and forgetting about you was a BIG one.

Now, you’re back and after what’s yours - your enemies will scream for mercy, getting none, as you slice, smash and burn your way to your destiny…. and if you save the world in the process… well it’ll mean more for you to rule later.

Transfusion plunges you into a world originally created in 1997 by Monolith Productions. Created with the BUILD game engine (Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior), Blood was a tour de force of horror that has yet to be matched, in which you battled minions of evil in a lightning-paced, blood splattered quest for glory.

Thrill to new, enhanced special effects not seen in the original as you guide Caleb along his gory quest through a 3-dimensional world of horror. But the fun is just beginning then…

When Tchernobog’s Cabal has fallen, there’s millions of challengers vying for your throne out there in cyberspace. Be sure to hone your skills against the enhanced FrikBots before defending your title in online bloodbaths. No need for Caleb to do all the work either - you can battle online as any identity you choose by selecting from the character library or by downloading new identities from the internet.

Time has come for Transfusion - let’s get bloodier.

taken from the official website


Source code availability

The project has been open since the beginning.
the source code repository here

How-to-play On-line

Grab a FTE QuakeWorld executable for your system and start playing immediately! You can host a server without port-forwarding by changing the 'Public' setting to 'Hole-Punch', which will show up in's master server list immediately!

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