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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Developer: Splash Damage
Publisher: Activision Publishing, Inc.
Technology: id Tech 4
Release Date: October 2, 2007
Chat-Room: #quake
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Buy Digital: Steam


Experience the ultimate team- and mission-based multiplayer warfare set in the legendary QUAKE universe, in Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars™. Choose to play as the human Global Defense Force (GDF) or the invading alien menace, the Strogg. Each side has distinct classes, vehicles, and weapons to choose from, giving players countless ways to join the battle.

  • Intense mission-based combat: QUAKE Wars pits teams against each other on massive maps located in desert, Arctic, and tropical environments. Players battle through intense skirmishes with real military style objectives.
  • Offline and online modes: Hone your skills against surprisingly lifelike A.I. offline, then join the battle online with friends.
  • Unique teams and character classes: The GDF and Strogg are two distinct armies with different soldier classes, weapons, vehicles, and tactics. Enjoy a modern military style of play with the GDF, or wield unearthly alien technology with the Strogg.
  • Team-based combat: Using class-specific skills, players can be the linchpin of an entire operation. Players are rewarded for working together as a team to accomplish mission objectives.
  • Upgradeable capabilities and statistics: Over the course of a multi-mission campaign, players earn experience and promotions, and gain new skills to help the team. In addition, stats are globally recorded for players to track their rank and prestige in the Enemy Territory community.
  • Broad accessibility: Several innovations open the game to a broader audience, including an offline training mode, where players partner with an A.I. teammate to play through an entire battlefield, receiving in-context strategy tips along the way.
  • Skill-based matchmaking: Get the perfect challenge in every online game with a match geared to your skills.
  • Megatexture™ technology: id Software, known for games using cutting-edge technology, has done it again. The revolutionary Megatexture technology allows battlefields to extend to the horizon, with over a square mile of unique terrain at unprecedented detail.

taken from the publisher's website


Magazine features

• Computer Gaming World #254 - Jan 2006
        E3 surprises
• Computer Gaming World #258 - Jan 2006
        Cover story
• Computer Gaming World #261 - Apr 2006
• Computer Gaming World #262 - May 2006
        Carmack Technology Interview

Source code availability

The source code for the game only exists in SDK form. subject to the following License agreement.

How-to-play On-line

You can only connect to games via the console due to the backend for the game having been shut down.

Visit's ETQW Server Browser page for a up-to-date list of servers.

Open the console with the buttons CTRL + ALT + ~ and enter:
connect <IP:Port>

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars™, and any associated characters are ® ™ id Software. All Rights Reserved.

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