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Duke Nukem 3D

Developer: 3D Realms Entertainment, Inc.
Publisher: GT Interactive
Technology: Build Engine
Release Date: April 19, 1996
Chat-Room: #duke3d
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Buy Digital: Zoom


"This is simply the hottest PC game of the year." -- X-GEN

"Duke Nukem 3D truly looks like a 3D supermodel of a game: sleek, sexy, and gory with lead thrashing action." -- Strategy Plus

"It's the ultimate game for unleashing all your pent-up aggression. It is the most astonishing game we've laid eyes on for ages! In fact, it makes pretty much every PC game we've ever seen - DOOM included - look slightly dull. Honestly!" -- PC Gamer

Prepare yourself for the Ultimate 3D Slugfest

Murderous aliens have landed in futuristic Los Angeles, and the humans suddenly find themselves atop the endangered species list. The odds are a million-to-one, just the way Duke likes it!

Butt Kickin' Features

DIVE INTO REALISTIC 3D SCENARIOS, with 28 totally realistic levels, as you drive the sinister aliens through the streets of L.A., out to an orbiting station, and onto the surface of the moon itself!

LEADING-EDGE BUILD 3D TECHNOLOGY lets you explore an interactive, fully immersive world of towering skyscrapers, deep canyons, and murky bodies of water - with many realistic effects like level-altering earthquakes, exploding buildings, working security monitors and functional subways.

ARMED TO THE TEETH with 10 hi-tech weapons: Clear crowds with the pump action Assault Shotgun, blast through enemies and walls with the Rocket Propelled Grenade, splat enemies under foot after blasting them with the Shrinker, cut through trouble with the 3-barrel Ripper machine gun, set DukeMatch traps with the wall-mounted Laser Mine, watch enemies shatter alter cooling them off with the Freeze Cannon, and 4 more!

FULL MOVEMENT CONTROL lets you run, jump, crawl, swim, and jetpack your way through hostile environments as you look up and down.

DEATH-DEALING DUKEMATCH lets you duke it out one-on-one via modem, and enables up to 8 player battlefests over your network. Also, send prerecorded cut-downs via Duke's RemoteRidicule(tm) system.

TOTAL PENTIUM(TM) SUPPORT with advanced options like hi-res SVGA graphics that add detail and realism, and dynamic (moving) real-time shadows.

BUILD YOUR OWN LEVELS in 3D mode with an easy-to-use editor, included as a FREE BONUS. Creating our own worlds as never been easier!

WITH PARENTAL PASSWORD PROTECTION, you can select a password and lock out younger players from any mature content or language.

FREE: GET THE TWO ORIGINAL DUKE NUKEM GAMES, plus 5 of the hottest shareware titles for free!

The Future of 3D Gaming Will Never Be The Same

taken from the back of the box


Magazine features

• Computer Gaming World #132 - Jul 1995
• Computer Gaming World #136 - Nov 1995
        4 page ad
• Computer Gaming World #137 - Dec 1995
        3 page ad
• Computer Gaming World #141 - Apr 1996
        Hands On
• Computer Gaming World #142 - May 1996
        4 page ad
        Behind The Screens
        Game Design
• Computer Gaming World #143 - Jun 1996
• Computer Gaming World #144 - Jul 1996
• Computer Gaming World #146 - Sep 1996
        4 page ad
        Shareware Awards
        Net Play
        MP Design
• Computer Gaming World #149 - Dec 1996
        2 page Plutonium Pak ad
        Holiday Hot 100
        Danny Spartan Guide ad
• Computer Gaming World #150 - Jan 1997
        Plutonium Pak ad

Source code availability

The source code was released on April 1st 2003 under the GNU General Public License 2. The source code to the actual BUILD engine portion was released almost 3 years prior on June 20th 2000.

Trivia: The source code release for Duke Nukem 3D was mainly done as an apology for the lack of news regarding Duke Nukem Forever.

How-to-play On-line

There are third-party solutions available that'll play the game online. You are at your own risk with those as they distribute unauthorized copies of the game. The only modern, official way is by purchasing a different version of Duke Nukem 3D.

If you're using a client similar to Icculus Duke3D, then you create a text-file. Name it something like 'multi.txt':

mode peer
broadcast 1

Where the line broadcast 1 specifies the additional number of players. You can then start broadcasting via the commandline:

duke3d -net multi.txt

It'll then start broadcasting requests out to the network you're on. Anyone can now join it with a similar text file. You can be selective in which member on your network can join via a file like this:

mode peer

Where IPADDRESS will obviously have to be changed to the one allowed to join your game. Note that in Duke Nukem 3D there really is no such thing as a 'Client' and a 'Server'. Everyone has more or less the same authority as it's a P2P game. You can add more allow lines like that. Each one will increment the required player count.

Some Duke3D ports have problems with binding the localhost address (, so you might have to specify your interface manually.

Further notes about multiplayer

Duke Nukem 3D does not use a client-server model, it also does not have prediction or handle packet loss well. Unless somebody makes a network oriented port, it's only feasible to play on a LAN setup.

You can experiment yourself by downloading the shareware. The Linux build is provided by eukara and is based off Duke3D. It requires SDL 1.2 and SDL_mixer 1.2 for 32-bit systems. Source code included, as well as several scripts to make multiplayer set-up a little more bearable. Under DOS the process is undocumented. Also other source-ports all differ in this regard as well.


Filename Size Description 5.6 MB Duke Nukem 3D shareware v1.3d (DOS)
duke3d_sw-1.3d-i386-eukara.tar.gz 7.1 MB Duke Nukem 3D shareware v1.3d (Linux) 3.8 MB Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition source code v1.5

Duke Nukem 3D™, and any associated characters are ® ™ Gearbox Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.

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