Nazi Zombies Portable
Developer: NZP Team |
Release Date: Decemeber 25, 2010 |
Technology: id Tech 2 |
Chat-Room: #nzp |
Buy Physical: not available |
Support: Patreon |
Nazi Zombies: Portable
Nazi Zombies: Portable is a Call of Duty: Zombies de-make powered by various enhanced forks of the Quake engine, and has been in development since 2009.
The game itself is mostly feature-equivalent with Call of Duty: World at War on a generic level. Gameplay components are implemented, with some parity differences, but most World at War maps and their gimmicks are not yet represented. Various small features from Call of Duty: Black Ops are present, but not on as wide of a scale as compared to World at War.
Blurb taken from official ModDB page
Source code availability
The source code is available on GitHub under the GNU General Public License 2. Project assets are under CC-BY-SA 4.0.
How-to-play On-line
Nazi Zombies: Portable is configured to use Frag-Net out of the box. Enjoy hassle-free cross-platform multiplayer!
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