The Druid: Out to set the Balance straight, or just out for revenge?

Alignment: Rebirth (neutral)Initial Stats

Upon learning of the massacre of her Sisters at a Phoenix Temple, the Druid sets after the murderers to restore the Balance - essentially, "get even". Upon reaching the scene of the crime, she realizes that this was not done by human hands; whatever done this was definately seeking the hidden Egg of the Phoenix, which is hidden even unto the Druids. Now her mission is two-fold - get revenge, and find and protect the Egg.

Druids are not a typical religious order, with elaborate ceremonies and giant cathedrals. They worship the Balance of Life and Death, beliving that both are equally important in the form of Rebirth, hence thier sacred idol the Phoenix is thier predominant symbol of worship. Druids are a very active group, often considered "meddlesome" by those who do not appreciate a Druid's beliefs.

Druids encompass both Life and Death magic, but are not strong in any one catagory. Druids are in general athletic, and can use several styles of weapons, such as Bow and Arrows. They do not have the strength or training to handle the powerful Crossbow, however.

Druids work well in a team, having a good blend of Life and Death spells. In formation, she is best placed just behind a Crusader or Outlander, where she can lob off arrows and spells with equal ease into the enemy throngs, but also serve as a backup to the frontline attackers.

The Druid's Keyboard

The Druid Config file reads like this:

bind h heal
bind v vigor
bind u curedis
bind p curepoi
bind q poison
bind f protfire
bind l light
bind i invis
bind s sense
bind o wolf

The keys in red are specific to the Druid. The other keys are defined in the autoexec.cfg and are the same for all classes. To learn more about these key settings, click here. It is pretty safe to change the bindings to the white, undefined letter keys if you wish.

Click the table's title to bring up the printable graph version.

The Druid's Keys
KeyFunctionLevel learned
autoBow Targettting1
LLifeGlow (cast light)2
VCast Vigor (relieve fatigue)3
SSense Life (distance to next living thing)4
PApply Poison to Weapon4
8Call Lightning5
UCure Disease6
OSummon Wolf6
7Cast Fireballs6
IInvisibility (wears away if you move or attack)6
PCure Poison7
FCast Fire Protection8

 A description of Death spells can be found here.

A description of Life spells can be found here.