Spells of Death

These are Death spells that are common to many classes. The Necromancer, master of Death, has an even greater list of personal spells he developed himself.

Definition of Terms:

  1. Caster = indicates that spell affects the person casting the spell.
  2. Enemy = Spell targets only entities possibly considered hostile. This can include teammates who get in the path of the spell as well.
  3. Team = The spell is meant for defensive purposes and only targets teammates, and not enemies.

Spell NameTargetEffect
DiseaseEnemyReduce Stats

The Disease spell effectively weakens the afflicted enemy by decreasing his overall stats, such as strength and speed. Additional infections of the Disease cause still further reduction of stats; it can cripple even the strongest enemy with enough castings.

The spell is toggleable, and durational. (It wears off). The duration of this spell increases with experience level.

Spell NameTargetEffect
FireballEnemyExplosive Fire Damage

This is a primary weapon spell. To build up the fireball to a larger size, hold down the attack key until the fireball ceases to grow. Launch it by releasing the attack key then pressing it again. (You do not have to continue holding the attack key to maintain it.) The maximum size and strength of the fireball depends on your experience level. Each progressive increase in size results in a drain on your fatigue.

Of course, Fireballs are weakened in water.

Spell NameTargetEffect
Hide WoundsTeam, CasterIllusion of Health

Target no longer displays the various degrees of woundedness, and appears healthy. This is useful in Deathmatch, to give the semblance of perfect health and therefore display "a strong front" to the enemy. Duration of effect increases with experience.

(In case you were unaware, the player skins in Fantasy Quake change as they are weakened.)

Spell NameTargetEffect
InvisibilityTeam, CasterBecome invisible

The target of this spell becomes nearly invisble for a time determined by a player's experience level. Because of the effort required to maintain the spell, any hostile act or motion will break the spellcaster's concentration and null the spell.

Spell NameTargetEffect
PoisonEnemyContinous damage

A toggleable spell similar to the Disease spell, the effect of Poison on a victim will cause steady damage every three seconds or so. The amount and duration is determined by the spellcaster's experience level. Additional castings increase duration.