The Necromancer: Out for Power

Alignment: DeathInitial Stats

The Necromancer is teacher at the Scholomance, School of Death. He is closely attuned to the force of Death, which is Life's counterpoint. Like the Diviner, he senses the true nature of the world's decay; a new force of Death has been unleashed from a long period of dormancy.

Power hungry, the Necromancer wants to gain the full power of Death, and be able to totally harness it. To do so, he must be the strongest force of Death in existance, and this new entity will be in his way. The sacrifice of the Phoenix's Egg is likely what this new entity is after, and so to beat him the Necromancer must find the Egg first. If that fails, he must find and destroy the entity who had sacrificed the Egg.

It is interesting to note that among his peers, the Necromancer is not called a "necromancer," since to have that title one must prove themself to be a true master of Death. So that is yet another reason why the self-titled Necromancer wishes to use this new Death entity as a "trophy kill".

As one would expect, Necromancers are almost pure offense and little defense. Physically weak, Necromancers rely on spells to do most of the damage. The most common form of offensive spell is "fire", and can be utilized in a wide variety of spells. For defense, most Necromancers use invisibility and "deception" spells, (such as Hide Wounds). In a team setting, the Necromancer is untrustworthy because of his personal motivations for power. That aside, the Necromancer is best placed in the middle or rear of a formation, so that he can be protected by party members while casting long-range Death spells.

The Necromancer's Keyboard

The Necromancer Config file reads like this:

bind i invis
bind q lavastorm
bind f firewall
bind h hidewound

bind s sleep
bind p poison
bind u disease
bind o horror
bind j jinx

bind v feign
bind l corpselook
bind k kontract
bind b deathball

The keys in red are specific to the Necromancer. The other keys are defined in the autoexec.cfg and are the same for all classes. To learn more about these key settings, click here. It is pretty safe to change the bindings to the white, undefined letter keys if you wish.

Click here to bring up the printable version of this table.

The Necromancer's Keys
KeyFunctionLevel learned
1Touch of Death1
9Death Bolt1
HHide Wounds3
7Cast Fireball 3
VFeign Death3
QFire Storm5
FCast Fire Wall7
KKontract with Death9
BDeath Ball10

 A description of Death spells can be found here.

Necromancer's Personally Developed Spells

Spell NameTargetEffect
Touch of DeathEnemyHitpoint Drain

Default Melee weapon. Necromancer reaches out and strikes his opponent physically, drawing some of it's life energy away. Ignores armor and shields.

Spell NameTargetEffect
DeathboltEnemyMagic Missle

Primary weapon spell (9 key). This bolt of Death Energy will seek out it's target until it hits it or is blocked by an object. Guidance is automatic, and is increased in ability as the Caster gains experience levels.

Spell NameTargetEffect

The Necromancer can wield the power of Death in many unique ways. One bieng the ability to look through the eyes of a corpse, or even just a head, which maybe laying on the battlefield. Use the 'look' key (Default is the 'a' key) to cycle through the available corpses. This spell is toggleable.

Spell NameTargetEffect
Feign DeathTeam, CasterFake your death

The Necromancer can make it appear as though he has died, complete with blood-curdling death yell. While he is "dead" is immune to damage, but cannot attack. The only skill he can perform while "dead" is the Corpselook spell. The necromancer can prematurely end this spell by jumping.

Spell NameTargetEffect
Wall of FireEnemyFire Damage

Create a burning swath of flame with this spell. Those who contact this wall may also catch on fire. It is only possible to maintain one wall of fire at once; additional castings of this spell will remove the previous wall. Duration and damage increase with experience level.

Spell NameTargetEffect
Lava StormEnemyExplosive Fire Damage

Launch an intense volley of fireballs in quick succession. It is possible to catch the target on fire with this onslaught as well.

Spell NameTargetEffect
DeathballEnemySoul Damage

A high level Necromancer can launch a soul-magnet in the form of a Deathball. This visage of terror is toggleable, it replaces the fireball when enabled. Build up a medium sized fireball, and it'll become the Deathball.

The Deathball, when launched, pulls toward it all dead souls in the region which in turn attempt to pull at living souls as well, causing intense pain.