Spells of Life

  • Block
  • Call Lightning
  • Cure Disease
  • Cure Poison
  • Lifeboost
  • Lifeglow
  • Sense Life
  • Invigorate
  • Protection from Fire
  • Definition of Terms:

    1. Caster = indicates that spell affects the person casting the spell.
    2. Enemy = Spell targets only entities possibly considered hostile. This can include teammates who get in the path of the spell as well.
    3. Team = The spell is meant for defensive purposes and only targets teammates, and not enemies.

    Spell NameTargetEffect
    BlockCasterDefensive Shield

    This defensive spell uses your life energies to form a physical barrier in front of you which can stop any incoming hostile attacks.

    Any incoming attack on the front half of the player is blocked, causing a drain of fatigue equal to the damage of the attack. Higher level characters have less fatigue drain. The shield being up causes a constant fatigue drain, effectively slowing down the resting rate.

    Spell NameTargetEffect
    Call LightningEnemy Electrical Bolt

    Using the powers of air and water, Life elements, the caster calls forth a bolt of lightning from the sky. Because the cloud needed can be created, this spell works indoors as well as out.

    A targetted attack spell. Accuracy depends on range to target. Ignores metal armor and shields. Higher level casters have more powerful bolts, both in damage and radius of effectiveness, as well as accuracy. If cast outside, damage is increased.

    Spell NameTargetEffect
    Cure DiseaseTeamReverses Effect of "Disease" Affliction

    This spell gives the target a boost to his or her Life’s strength, which aids in the eradication of disease.

    Will reduce the level of the target’s disease by one.

    Spell NameTargetEffect
    Cure PoisonTeamReverses Effect of "Poison" Affliction

    Very similar to Cure Disease, this spell gives a target’s Life assistance with the removal of poisons.

    Reduces duration of Poison spell.

    Spell NameTargetEffect
    Life BoostTeamRestore Health

    Called "healing" by the commoners, this spell allows casters to increase the Life level of a target. For those who do not practice this spell often, it is very difficult and casters must wait a time between uses.

    Friendly targetted spell that restores hit points. It can raise the target above their maximum, but cannot be cast on targets at or above their maximum. Delay between castings is reduced with level. Potential amount healed per casting increases with level.

    Spell NameTargetEffect
    LifeglowTeam, CasterProduce Light

    This handy spell allows someone in touch with their Life convert a tiny bit of it into a visible glow around their entire body. As handy as a lantern, but without all that messy oil!

    Friendly targetted spell. Creates a field of light for a limited time. Duration increases with level. The recipient of this spell may prematurely end the spell by typing "light" at the console, or pressing the ‘L’ key if they know the spell themselves.

    Spell NameTargetEffect
    Sense LifeCasterLocate Enemy/Team

    This is the ability to detect the presence of a nearby lifeforce. Most users of this ability attune their sense to search only for those with hostile intent, by looking for a hint of Death in their lifeforce. At first a caster can only sense the direction, but with some practice one can learn to judge the distance of the target. After a lot of practice, it is rumored that one can even determine what type of being the target is. This ability cannot detect the false lifeforce of animated beings, like skeletons (TBF).

    A passive (always on) spell that uses the indicator arrow in the bottom right corner of the status bar to point to the nearest enemy. Range is increased with level. After having the ability for a couple levels, range to the target is given via the number to the right of the arrow. A couple levels after that, the sense life key can be pressed, revealing the name of the target.

    The arrow is designed so that the direction can be pinpointed. The arrow will only point directly forward if the target is within a few degrees of your current facing. The remaining angles are split up evenly between the left, right, and back arrows.

    Spell NameTargetEffect
    InvigorateTeamHeal Fatigue

    This spell lets the caster transfer some fatigue to another being.

    Spell NameTargetEffect
    Protection from FireTeam, CasterPrevent Fire Damage

    This spell fills the target’s lifeforce with the essence of water, a Life element. While this essence is present, contact with fire will not be nearly as damaging, and the target becomes completely incombustible.

    Friendly targetted spell. Target cannot catch on fire, and takes half damage from all fire based attacks. Target can ignore lava if no deeper than their waist. Deeper than that is still deadly, but not quite as fast. Duration lengthens with experience.