The Crusader: Seeking Justice, and the Truth

Alignment: LifeInitial Stats

It was the Crusader, an officer of the town's militia, that was first on the scene of the horrible inhuman massacre at the local Temple. Essentially a peace officer and defender of justice, the horror of the crime was alone reason enough to actively seek out the monsters that did it. But there is more motivating this Crusader than justice; the death of his beloved girlfriend over a year ago and how it ties to this mass murder. He believes that by avenging the death of the Druids he can also discover the true answers to his girlfriend's death, and once and for all silence the ghosts of his past.

Knights in the local militia respect the Crusader for his high moral standards and belief in Life. He is also well respected because of his fighting prowness; he is well trained in the use of many types of weapons, and is the best of all player classes with the use of the deadly Crossbow. The Crusader can also repair damaged armor, an extremely useful skill in the battlefield.

In a team setting, Crusaders do their best in the front of the formation, bearing the brunt of the enemy assault while also being able to get in close with his powerfull sword.

The Crusader's Keyboard

The Crusader Config file reads like this:

bind q bladespin
bind i repair
bind h heal
bind l light
bind u curedis
bind p curepoi
bind v vigor
bind s sense

The keys in red are specific to the Crusader. The other keys are defined in the autoexec.cfg and are the same for all classes. To learn more about these key settings, click here. It is pretty safe to change the Crusader's bindings to the white, undefined letter keys if you wish. (do not bind anything to the number keys.)

Click here to print this table.

The Crusader's Keys
KeyFunctionLevel learned
autoBow Targetting - automatic aim compensation3
LCast Lifeglow (wears out)3
QBlade Spin - Perform a 360 degree slash attack4
VCast Vigor4
IRepair Armor (Drop it ahead of you first)5
SSense Life (distance to next living thing)7
UCure Disease8
PCure Poison9

A list of Life spells can be found here.

 Crusader's Unique Abilities:

Blade Spin = A well trained knight can perform the deadly Blade Spin maneuver, whereupon he lashes out in a 360 degree arc with his broadsword. The warrior must have his sword selected as his weapon first, of course.

Repair Armor = The Crusader is well trained in battlefield repair of armor. Drop a weakend shield or body armor in front of yourself, and Repair it before it breaks entirely. Do this regulary and you will not have to worry about your armor giving out as much.

Bow Targetting = Automatic aim compensation is enabled after level 3, which allows the warrior to be able to strike enemies at a distance much easier with the Bow and Arrow.