The Outlander - Noble warrior from the north

Alignment: Rebirth (neutral)Initial Stats

Known only as an Outlander to the native Welmyrians, he comes from distant lands north of the Dragon's Spine. His people have been infected by a deadly Scourge, which only the blessing of the Phoenix can cure. Seeking the Phoenix, he learns that it is in danger by the invading army from the mountains, and immediately embarks on a quest to save the Phoenix.

The outlanders are considered primitive to the Welmyrians, because outlanders live in tribal communities, and shun the "strange ways" of the Welmyrians. In truth, outlander societies are advanced in different ways from the Welmyrians; they are closer to the Earth and live in harmony with the forces of nature. As such, they can harness some of the elements of the land, such as Fire, Earth, Sound, and even the ability to speak with some animals.

On a team, the Outlander does his best in the front of the formation where he can best use his battle axe, and protect other party members by keeping the focus of the enemy attack away from them. The Outlander should fall back to a defensive posistion from time to time to concentrate on Rune deployment.

The Outlander's Keyboard

The Outlander Config file reads like this:

bind q frenzy
bind v travelrune
bind f firerune
bind h earthrune
bind u guiderune
bind b bulkrune
bind s soundrune
bind o weapon
bind p armor
bind i ground

The keys in red are specific to the Outlander. The other keys are defined in the autoexec.cfg and are the same for all classes. To learn more about these key settings, click here. It is pretty safe to change the bindings to the white, undefined letter keys if you wish.

The Outlander's Keys
QFrenzy Attack1
AutoBow Targetting5

Outlander's Unique Talents

Frenzy Attack - The Outlander is veteran of many battles; with little effort he can go into a blinding rage.

Outlander's Cryptic Rune Magic

The Outlander comes from a strange land up north, where they do not practice Life or Death magic that is prevalent in Welmyr. Instead, they utilize the power of nature, in the form of written runes, which are basically drawn sigils and characters which the Outlander can scribe on his weapon, his armor, or the ground ahead of him.

Rune magic is a two-key magic system, which sounds a bit complex, but with a few minutes practice will become rather easy to understand and use.

To use Rune magic in the game, press the target key (one of the three colored in gold above):

followed by the rune key of your choice. The rune keys are:

Different combinations will result in a different rune! A full chart of the possible rune combinations is listed below.

By default, the last selected "target" key will remain active until you change it to a different target. That way, you can skip using the Target key for repetative spell usage - for instance, if the level 6 warrior wants to lay a bunch of explosive rune traps on the ground, he'd need only to press the "I" key once, then the "F" key for each rune trap he placed. The "target" remains "ground" until he changes it.

Click here to print this graph.

Outlander's Rune Spells
Rune TargetRune TypeRune DescriptionLevel Obtained
Weapon Runes - To target your weapon with the rune, press "O"OB - WeightWeapons costs no fatigue2
S - SoundWeapon becomes silent3
H - EarthSlash through armor4
V - TravelMissle weapons travel straight, throw axes return5
F - FireWeapons hold the power of Fire (burn enemies)7
U - GuideWeapon is guided to target9
Armor Runes - To target your armor with the rune, press "P"PU - GuideDetect runes; immunity to own runes1
S - SoundGain Stealth2
B - WeightCancels Armor's weight (fatigue less)3
H - EarthArmor becomes stronger; armor is resistant to slime/lava damage4
F - FireProof armor against fire damage (but not wearer)5
V - TravelRun Faster8
Earth Runes - to target the ground in front of you, press the "I" key.IS - SoundEnemy triggering this causes level-wide alarm1
U - GuideWhirlwind booby trap - spins enemy2
B - WeightTarget becomes heavy; fatigues enemy heavily3
H - EarthImpassable wall (must be hacked down)4
F - FireExplosive booby trap6
V - TravelTeleport between runes 10