Interacting with Non Playing Characters (NPC's)

Villagers, merchants, innocents, and the local milita......

Shopkeepers =

These not-so-honest individuals are often found in villages, usually set up in small shops whereupon they'll sell you stuff. (Go here to learn more about the act of buying/selling). They won't give you refunds, so if you screw up and give them too much gold for something, too bad, so dole out the cash carefully.

They are not armed, but don't think they are easy targets - they'll come after you with fist a'flying if necessary, but usually they'll depend more on hired guards.

Some of the more profit-motivated shopkeepers will travel (with armed escort of course) to areas of conflict, so don't be surprised to run across these fellows in some of the deepest dungeons.

Not all shopkeepers are male. These husky chicks certainly won't win any beauty contests, but they can barter goods with the best of the male shopkeepers.


Many of the guards that shopkeepers and local towns hire are very likely turncoats from the invading army!

These characters will leave you alone unless you attack them or an innocent nearby. (ed. note: in future betas, they'll also attack any enemy, such as Goarcs, that may wonder into town.)

Archer Guards: Many of the archers that Shopkeepers employ are much stronger than those found marching with the invading army. (Better wages?)Crossbowman Guards: Same story as with the Archers. Apparantly, well-to-do shopkeepers have actually bought off some of the better crossbowmen from the invading army.Local Knights: These are usually native men hired by towns and shopkeepers for protection. They are cheap, and plentiful, but not quite as strong as some of the elite army men.


At this point in the beta, innocents are also represented by those characters seen above. By the final release we should have more unique Innocents, possibly with the ability to speak, give stuff, run and fetch guards if attacked, etc.