Buying and Selling in FQ:RotP

There are several villages and towns throughout Welmyr that offer shops where shopkeepers will sell warriors anything from armor, to weapons, to ammo, to even keys. It is also not uncommon for travelling merchants to set up shop in areas of conflict, to make a profit from war. Typically, these traveling merchants may hire a large number of guards to protect them.

Not always honest, shopkeepers are out to make a profit. Although they do not carry weapons, don't think for a minute that a shopkeeper won't fight back with his fists if attacked.

Most shopkeepers hire trained guards to watch thier shops and protect against theives and vagabonds who think to make a quick profit by stealing a shop's gold and items.

When dealing with shopkeepers, it's best to play by thier rules - else you may find the entire town chasing after you!

Buying Things

A picture is worth a thousand words, so follow along with this storyboard:

Step 1) Go Shopping.
Browse a shop; if you see something you like, approach it to find out how much it costs. The value will be printed to the screen.


Step 2) Approach the Shopkeeper
Go speak with the shopkeeper of this fine establishment. Tell him what a nice shop he has, and be careful where you swing your weapon! Striking a shopkeeper or guard will result in you getting attacked by all the guards in sight.


Step 3) Ante Up
Assuming you have enough gold (check with the \ key) press the "G" key to bring up this screen, shown in the screenshot. You are prompted as to how much gold to give the shopkeeper. Type in the dollar amount you wish to stuff into a bag and give to him.

You can give more gold than is needed to buy one item - for instance, if you see one item at 15 gold and another at 5 gold, and you want both, give the shopkeeper 20 gold, and pick up both.


Step 3b) Onscreen prompts
As you place gold in the sack, you will be informed of how much you've currently put in it.


Step 4) Give the man his gold.
Press "G" again to drop the sack containing the gold, aim it for the shopkeeper. He is very arrogant and will not walk over to the sack to pick it up if you toss it the wrong way. If it does land in an odd spot, merely go over and pick it back up. (You can give gold to other team members this way.)


Step 5) Go pick up your selection.
Now that you've given him his gold, go over to the item you wanted and pick it up. Remember, no refunds. If you have given him too much gold, you're out of luck! He isn't going to give it back. So give him only enough gold as needed.

Selling Items

That part hasn't been coded just yet ...... come back soon!