Weapons of Fantasy Quake

Weapons of Fantasy Quake can be subdivided into several catagories of various degrees of strength. The values can be calculated using a classes stats (Backspace key reveals your current stats).

Str = StrengthSpd = Speed

WeaponDamageFrequency of Attack (seconds)Armor Piercing Value
MeleeStr - Str*1.510/Spd (min 0.1)0
Upgraded MeleeStr*1.510/Spd (min 0.1)0.2
Throw WeaponsStr*2 - Str*320/Spd (min 0.25)0
BowStr - Str*1.510/Spd (min 0.25)0.2
LongbowStr - Str*1.510/Spd (min 0.25)0.4
Crossbow50 + Str*210 (5 for Crusader)0.1

The values in the Armor Piercing column refers to the reduction to an armor's "level," which is how much of the incoming damage is absorbed by the amor instead of the warrior.


All warriors posess a melee-style weapon, such a knife or sword, which require no ammo and do not break, and cannot be sold or dropped. There is also a Melee Upgrade which an intrepid explorer may find which will increase the power of thier melee weapon; this upgrade is droppable, if you wish to give it away to a team member who could better use it. (see chart above for strength values.)

NecromancerVampric Touch
OutlanderBattle Axe


Some warriors can wield axes or spears as weapons which they can hurl at enemies. These weapons do not break upon use, so it is possible to recollect them after use. Beware, ricocheting weapons can injure the warrior as well as the opponent.

CharacterCan Use
Necromancer- -
Druid- -
Diviner- -


There are only 2 projectile weapon classes: the Bow, and the Crossbow. Some bows are Longbows, some are the cheap variety that break too easily. Low ranking Archers carry those.

CharacterCan UseAmmo Type
Crusaderboth Bow and Crossbow
RogueBow and Crossbow
Outlanderboth Bow and Crossbow


Some weapons can be wielded by anyone. These include Flaming Oils and the Blunderbuss.

Flaming Oil - Light the wick and throw it at an opponent, it will bounce awhile before exploding. Terrific for destroying clusters of enemies that are gathered close together, and also for attacking enemies down and below your posistion.

Blunderbuss - This is the ultra hi-tech weapon of the day, the most modern achievement of the Welmyrians. Utilizing the newfound chemical compound known as gunpowder, a warrior can pepper a large group of enemies with metallic shards in a single blast. Up close, the blunderbuss can rip an enemy to shreds. Be warned, however, it takes quite a bit of time to pack and reload a blunderbuss between shots. Gunpowder is often kept in pouches.


There are two types of armor in FQ:RotP - wearable body armor and shields.


Leather Body ArmorWho Can Use ItProtective Value
Everyone except the Necromancer and Diviner0.3
A simple, inexpensive jerkin made of dragon leather.



Plate Body ArmorWho Can Use ItProtective Value
Crusader, Outlander0.6
Plate armor is heavy, and fatigues most warriors. It is made of iron, and protects the warrior much better than leather.


ShieldsWho Can Use ItProtective Value
Crusader, Outlander, and Rogue.0.5
Shields are extremely useful; raise the shield against oncoming arrows and sword slashes to protect yourself completely from attack. Bear in mind that a shield can only take so much before breaking.