Multiplayer FQ:RotP


Fantasy Quake is best suited for Single player and Co-operative modes of play, although deathmatch and other modes are supported as well.

Your objective in single-play is to adopt a character and carry through your mission to find the Egg of the Phoenix, and meet with the mysterious death-entity that has arisen to threaten Welmyr. Each character has somewhat of a different slant on life, of course, and has a personal motivation to find the Egg.

Co-operative mode

In co-operative mode, you and your team must join together to find the Egg and defeat the source of evil in the land. There are personality differences between the various characters, but the ultimate rule of "safety in numbers" can help smooth over such differences. Experience points are shared in Co-op - if someone kills an enemy, everyone gets a piece of the experience.

In general, you would want the healthier, offensive characters such as the Crusader or Outlander as your group leader, since they are best at face to face confrontations with the legions of warriors coming into Welmyr, and can more easily protect weaker team members.

The Druid and Rogue are both well rounded fighters who can take up the secondary posistions, and can serve as backups to the frontline warriors. The Rogue in particular is best at flank fighting, where he can sneak in around the enemy attackers and kill from behind while the rest of the party attacks head on. Druids are flexible; they can attack from behind the frontline with the bow and arrow, or can cast several types of defensive spells to the weakening frontline. Both the Rogue and Druid can take turns at frontline fighting as well.

Diviners and Necromancers are best placed in protected posistions in the rear of the party, where they can stay away from the worst of the fight while at the same time cast spells. In the Diviner's case, she is better suited as the medic of the party. The Necromancer is best used as the long-range spell caster, and can cover the retreat of a party with his long-lasting Fire Wall spell, which will keep pursuing enemies at bay while your team makes good an escape.


In deathmatch, anything goes. Your only objective is to stay alive and kill everyone else. You gain experience in deathmatch in a timed manner; the longer you stay alive, the more experience you gain. Killing someone of high experience will grant you much more experience than if you slay someone of lesser experience, so camping is not going to help you much.


Not yet fully implemented; basically it will be "Life" versus "Death".