
There are many unique items to be found throughout Welmyr. Some are consumable, meaning that they can only be used once. Non consumable items are items which the owner has unlimited use of, if the item is well cared for.

Explanation of table:


Health Flask
Value: Recover 15 to 25 Health
Max Carry: 0
Made from a plant extract, health flasks contain a common healing agent used by healers and shamen throughout Welmyr. Because of the fragile container, it's not possible to carry these around the battlefield, without spilling it everywhere.


Life Force
Value: Recover 100 health
Max Carry: 9
It is said by village elders that the rare potion contained in these vials are made from the feathers of the Phoenix itself.


Water Fan
Value: Grants ability to breathe underwater for a limited time
Max Carry: 9
Duration of Effect: 1 minute
This odd magical item can actually filter the air out of water for a warrior to breathe, much like a set of fish gills.


Value: Portable light source
Max Carry: 9
Duration: Two and a half minutes, tops
Common lanterns can be found everywhere, however some are bolted to the walls/ceilings and cannot be taken. Remember that the oil in a lantern will not last forever; put it away when you don't need it.


Bag O' Gold

(I'm not sure what it looks like; I know this ain't it, though)

Value: Money Boost (varies)
These are extremely difficult to find - most people do not leave bags of gold laying around :-)


Star of Wisdom
Value: Temporary Experience Level Boost
Max Carry: 9
Duration: 30 seconds
These simulacrums of power grant the warrior a temporary experience level boost, allowing the warrior to do some things which normally he wouldn't be able to do for quite a while.


 These are items which are semi-permanent, and in some cases, toggleable between on and off.

Grappling Hook
Value: Usefull climbing tool
Max Carry: 9
Duration: Indefinate usage (until it breaks)
Without a doubt, grappling hooks are the single most valuable tool a warrior can posess. With practice, a warrior can scale walls, cross dangerous chasms, and travel along the roof. In a pinch, grappling hooks can be used as a weapon. Of course, if overused or abused, grappling hooks can break.


Ring of Protection
Value: Armor Enhancement
Max Carry: 1
Duration: Unlimited until it breaks
These amulets grant the warrior with an unbelivable amount of armor protection. However it must be used carefully - remove it from time to time and allow it to "heal". (Ed. note: this item to be replaced with an Amulet of Resurrection, which brings a dead player back to life.)