The FAQ's

I get this error while playing Fantasy Quake: "Cache:TryAlloc : 78368 is greater than hunc"

You need to allocate more windows memory to Fantasy Quake. Use the command line:

quake -game fq -winmem 12 +map fqrotpst

If you have more than 16 megs in your system, you can allocate more memory if wish, but 12 does fine. If you want, place that command line in a convient batchfile - merely copy that line above into Windows NOTEPAD or DOS's EDIT.COM, and save the file as "fq.bat" in your QUAKE directory. Then at the command merely type "fq" and ENTER. Viola.

  I have just recently download an upgrade file, and now one of your models appears to have a messed-up skin in GLQuake. Is this a bug?

No; included in the changed.txt should be a note telling you which mesh file to delete from your rotp/glquake directory. What happens is this: In GLQuake, every model has a "mesh" file created for it. If this model is updated in the future, GLQuake cannot tell the difference, and so continues to use the original mesh file for that model. Deleting that mesh file will cause GLQuake to re-mesh that one model, and therefore correct itself.

I have unzipped the Fantasy Quake conversion, but when I play, the only thing that is different is the status bar. I'm on the same Quake start map, with the same weapons, fighting the same monsters.

You forgot to download and extract the PROGS.DAT, which is kept separate, into your quake/rotp directory.

I have downloaded and successfully extracted the conversion. But when I play, I'm still on the Quake start map.

Go to the console and type MAP FQROTPST. The Quake start map has been left alone.

I can't swim up or down.

The Fantasy Quake configurations assume that you are still using the default settings (D is swim up, C is swim down). Go to the "customize console" in Quake and set D to swim up and C to swim down. Before adjusting the Fantasy Quake config files, check with the Manual.

The game plays REALLY REALLY slow in some rooms, most notably in your start map.

Allocate at least 12 megs of windows memory - with the -winmem 12 command line. That will correct it.

Are you guys going to make a Quakeworld compatible version?

As demand warrants. Right now a Quakeworld port is extremely low on the priority list, because FQ:RotP is first and foremost a single-play/co-op TC. Quakeworld is 100% deathmatch only. Currently, other, more interesting FQ ports are pending - Capture, and possibly Last Man Standing, etc.

You said that there'd be some GLQuake enhanced maps available. I don't see them anywhere! You guys are all liars, theives, and hoodlums.

I said that there'd be GLQuake enhanced maps and I mean it. Bear in mind these maps are EXACTLY identical to the standard maps, only the GL ones have been modified (ala BSP2PRT) to enable see-thru water without turning off the VIS table. These maps will be available a few days after the beta release.

The levels are too hard.

A) this is still beta, so post constructive criticisms on the webboard - no whining, please.
B) the levels are set up on a higher difficulty than id levels, because IMHO the id ones were too simple - and most of the team feels the same way.
C) pay attention to clues - sometimes a printed message onscreen has a very literal meaning - if it tells you to play with the water pump, go find a water pump and kick it - it'll probably open a door :-)