Printable version of the "common keyset" for all classes. Keep this one handy....

WGrappling HookToggle - engage/disengage hookWith practice, it's possible to use the grappling hook to swing across ceilings to get over chasms.
EGrappling HookExtend chain
RGrappling HookRetract chain
AGeneralInspect targetUseful for evaluating team
YGeneralSpeak to team--
[InformationSpell listList of what you know
]InformationActive spellsList of durational spells
HomeClass KeyChange Class You lose everything if you change
BackClass KeyCurrent StatusUseful for learning next level up
NInventory ManagementDrop ammoIf out of ammo, drops weapon
MInventory ManagementDrop selected itemFirst choose item to drop
,Inventory ManagementScroll item list backWhatever item is centered is the "selected item"
.Inventory ManagementScroll item list forward
/Inventory ManagementUse selected itemAlso puts away if already in use
\Inventory ManagementInventory list-
GInventory ManagementDrop GoldBrings up the "drop gold" menu.
D, CSwim up / Swim downDo I need to explain this?Now auto-bound in autoexec.cfg
Z, XStrafe left/ Strafe right-Now auto-bound in autoexec.cfg